Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone. Sorry about the lack of updates. Unfortunately I have an immune system condition that can sometimes be a pain in the butt. I experienced a flare up a couple of months ago, and I don't tolerate the medication very well :(

Fortunately I'm feeling much better now. I'm planning on unpacking my painting stuff in the very beginning of 2010, and I have a lot of minis to photograph as well :)


  1. Hi Inge, best wishes to you too. Looking forward to your latest minis.

    Good luck with your health in 2010!


  2. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.

    I think we were all getting a bit worried about you.

    Great to see you back though :)

    -Christopher (AG Productions)

  3. Glad you are feeling better! Hope you and your husband settled in ok after the wedding. Hope to see new pictures soon.

  4. Hey Inge. Glad to hear you are back again. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  5. Half of the year gone and still no update?

  6. Hi there and a Happy New Year. Here's wishing it finds you with continued good health and an abundance of painting mojo!

  7. Sorry about your health.
    Just wanted to say that in
    you want complementary, not complimentary....
